
"Not All Questions Need to Be Answered"

Included among Imam Ghazali's counsel to one of his students is the following:

Know the real pain because it is stupid there are four kinds, one of the four types of ridiculous pain that can be treated the rest can not be cured

1➲ People ask and argue who do it because had and hated to the person asked. So every time you answer the question with a clear and complete answer, then he adds more hate and adds Hostile to you. So the solution is not you busy to respond to the question (leave it alone), people like this can not be cured then you should turn away from him.

The Arab poet said:
Any form of hostility can be expected to be a loss of # unless hostile people are hostile to you out of spite.

2➲ People ask for being too stupid. People such as this also can not be cured, as Jesus said: "I can indeed turn on the dead, but I really can not heal people who are too stupid."

Number two is an example of individuals who are busy looking for knowledge in a short time. He studied the science of logic and stared at then he asked and wanted to debate the pious man who has spent much of his life in the ocean of philosophy and stare at. People such as this would think what is complicated for him must be difficult also for the religious person is due to dumb him. When you meet, people like this model do not busy yourself to answer the question.

3➲ People ask for instructions. Every time he does not understand the words of the great scholars he realizes that his understanding is very superficial, and the question that arises from him is to take the benefit. However, because he is superficial, his knowledge and understanding can not digest the essence of the great scholars, so you should not be busy answering his questions.

The Holy Prophet said: "We prophets are commanded to communicate with people according to the measure of their mind."

4➲ Sickness for being a fool to remedy is he asks for wanting to ask directions, and he is intelligent, understanding (not stupid). He asks not because of head, not because of anger, not because lust wants to ask and not love the position (want to be famous as a pious) and he actually intends to find the right person like this can be cured, then it is okay for you to respond to his question and answer it, Even obligatory for you to answer it.

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